Posts Tagged ‘insulin pumps’

Do Insulin Pumps Help People with Type 2 Diabetes?

February 21, 2015




The Lancet published a study announcing that MiniMed insulin pumps safely achieve better glucose control for people with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes than multiple daily injections.

Insulin pumps are small computerized devices that deliver insulin in two ways:

  • In a steady measured and continuous dose (the “basal” insulin)
  • As a surge (“bolus“) dose, at your direction, around mealtime.

Doses are delivered through a flexible plastic tube called a catheter. With the aid of a small needle, the catheter is inserted through the skin into the fatty tissue and is taped in place.

While the benefits of insulin pump therapy for people with type 1 diabetes are well proven, this is the largest global study to evaluate the comparative efficacy of insulin pump therapy versus multiple daily insulin injections in people with type 2 diabetes with poor glycemic control.

Patients using insulin pumps achieved an A1C (average blood glucose) reduction of 1.1 percent compared to only a 0.4 percent reduction by those using multiple daily injections. This improvement in glucose control was achieved without any episodes of severe hypoglycemia. In addition, those in the insulin pump group lowered the total daily dose of insulin by more than 20 percent. There was no difference in weight gain between the two groups.

Reducing A1C is critical for people with diabetes because even small percent drops aid significantly in preventing complications such as eye disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and heart attacks.

LISTEN NOW: February’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Jennifer Lopez

Mr. Divabetic Gets Fresh with Poet Lorraine Brooks

July 17, 2014

Mr. Divabetic & Lorraine Brooks

July’s Diabetes Late Nite podcast marks Divabetic’s 4th Year Anniversary of Podcasting. Our team of  dedicated diabetes educators, poets, mothers and real-life divas and dudes living with diabetes share their time, talents and resources to help empower people to manage their diabetes with confidence, knowledge and inspiration.

To celebrate this momentous occasion Diabetes Late Nite host,  Mr. Divabetic and co-star Poet Lorraine Brooks joined comedians Tom Ragu and Nicky Sunshine on stage for a special performance at the Greenwich Village Comedy Club.

As a member of the Diabetes Late Nite team, Poet Lorraine Brooks shared several of her original poems which were written specifically for Divabetic’s monthly podcasts including Diabetes Fairytales, Beauty & The Beach and ‘Hoda & Katie Lee Rap’ with the crowd.

Before the show, Mr. Divabetic played his favorite game, Shady Sugar with Lorraine to raise awareness for the alarming amount of added sugar contained in many of today’s most popular beverages. If you play along you just might be surprised by the results: Dannon Dairy Drink Mango flavored (28 grams of sugar), VitaCoco Lemonade (30 grams of sugar), and Red Bull Energy Drink (39 grams of sugar).

Did you know the average American consumes around 22.2 teaspoons of added sugar every day? Both the World Health Organization and the American Heart Association (AHA) note that we should really be eating only a fraction of that amount. The AHA says that adult women should get 5 teaspoons (20 grams) of sugar per day, adult men 9 teaspoons (36 grams), and children 3 teaspoons (12 grams). If you quickly do the math, you’ll soon discover that one 12 fl oz Red Bull Energy Drink is way more than the recommended daily average.

Join Divabetic’s growing Facebook community and tune in to our free monthly podcasts available at, i-Tunes and Blog Talk Radio. GLAM MORE FEAR LESS!

Visit our Diabetes Late Nite sponsors who help us raise awareness in a fun, new way: Nu Naturals (diabetic safe, low glycemic, tooth friendly sweeteners) Cabot Cheese (delicious low-fat cheeses) and Dr. Greenfield’s Diabetes Products (specifically designed for people with diabetes with sensitive and delicate skin) and  SONY MUSIC.

LISTEN NOW: Diabetes Late Nite podcast inspired by Lisa Stansfield

Diagnosis to Diva Stories with Alexis

July 30, 2013
Buy, Borrow or Burn!

Buy, Borrow or Burn!

Tonight, The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic presents a diva style approach to diabetes empowerment on this podcast for fashion lovers on his Buy, Borrow or Burn! Fashion Review podcast at 6 – 6:45 PM, EST on #blogtalkradio

Meet Alexis, our first Buy, Borrow or Buy contestant who is  living with type 1 diabetes.
Alexis’ Diagnosis to DIVA Story: I had never really taken proper care of my diabetes until I became pregnant in 2006. It was a real wake up call. My daughter was born at 24 weeks and we both almost died. I have had 9 eye surgeries due to retinopathy and cataracts. I have lost the peripheral vision in my left eye from glaucoma. My kidneys are damaged as well because of my poor diabetes management. It is a daily struggle to keep everything under control, but my beautiful, smart and sassy 7 year old daughter keeps me motivated.

Biggest issue: I don’t check my blood sugar as I should. I am so easily distracted and constantly forget to check. I now have alarms set to remind me. My daughter also reminds me to check.

Healthcare Entourage: My daughter, Jolie is my motivation. She counts carbs with me and reminds me to take my meds on time. I just switched hospitals. I’m starting with Jacobi Medical Center now. I’ve only been there twice, but the staff in the Endocrine Clinic is really nice and supportive.

Favorite Diabetes Equipment: I miss my Medtronic Insulin Pump (it broke a few months after the warranty was up and my insurance won’t pay for a new one). I use the Humalog Pen…it’s simple, quick, discreet & painless.

Sense of style: I am simple and sensible. I dress for comfort because I work with kids.

I look best in: Flirty sun dresses and wedge sandals.
Famous Fashion Icon I Identify with: I say Marilyn Monroe; classy & sexy

Buy, Borrow or Buy‘s guests  include: Divabetic Image & Style Advisor Catherine Schuller AICI, CIP, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, Kendra Charisse Porter body expert, style architect and founder of Honor You ( image consulting agency), Dalia Strum, consumer and business strategic digital media expert and fashion-related social shopping consultant and special guest, Alexis living with type 1 diabetes from New York City.

TUNE IN: Buy Borrow or Burn Fashion Review on 7/30/2013 6:00 PMEDT #BlogTalkRadio

LISTEN NOW: Diabetes Roundtable podcast Inspired by Esther Williams  #BlogTalkRadio

‘I’m On The Red Carpet’ poem by Lorraine Brooks

February 6, 2013
I'm On The Red Carpet

I’m On The Red Carpet

The happy healthcare, Mr. Divabetic wants to help every woman living to makeover her diabetes and feel beautiful.

He’s assembled an all-star line-up of friendly diabetes educators, authors, poets, celebrity photographers and beauty/fashion experts for Divabetic’s upcoming free Diabetes Roundtable “LIVE ON THE RED CARPET SPECIAL” podcast scheduled for Tuesday, February 12, 2013, 6 – 7 PM, EST.

Our favorite ‘divabetic’ poet, Lorraine Brooks wrote a special poem, “I’m On The Red Carpet” for this podcast to encourage women living with diabetes to GLAM MORE, FEAR LESS!

I’m on the red carpet

And no one knows where

I’ve hidden my insulin pump.

My slithery dress

Has a pocket in there

So you cannot see the lump.

And here in my bag

I have all that i need

Just in case of any reaction

My glucagon pen

Some raisins and seeds

Cause i don’t want to miss Hugh Jackman!

I wonder if I will

Get a chance to say

Hello to Robert De Niro

And right over there

Dressed in cool charcoal grey

Is Sally Field, one of my heroes.

I can’t wait to go

To the Governors Ball

And taste Wolfgang Puck’s appetizers

And then when I bolus

To cover it all

No one will be any the wiser!

Because I am prepared

For anything now

Diabetes doesn’t stop this diva

I’m getting ready

To take MY bow

Because I’ve got OSCAR FEVAH!

Sally Field, the two-time Oscar winner who is nominated for Best Supporting Actress for her portrayal of Mary Todd Lincoln in the film, Lincoln, inspires Divabetic’s one hour whirlwind of diabetes wellness with a heaping teaspoon of glamour and style.

Lorraine Brooks

Lorraine Brooks

Special guests include: diabetes advocate, author and coach, Riva Greenberg, Divabetic Image & Style Advisor, Catherine Schuller, Go2Bra creator, Connie Elder, Pumpwear Inc. & Girly Girl Studio co- owner, Julie De Fruscio, celebrity photographer, Winston Kerr,  poet Lorraine Brooks (pictured), Patricia Addie Gentle RN, CDE, Constance Brown-Riggs MSEd, RD, CDE, Neva White DNP, CRNP, CDE, makeup artist and Yagolicious Cosmetic owner, Yago ‘Stay Pretty’ Jones,  skin expert Sue Perez, Mama Rose Marie and Marilyn from Pasadena, CA who is living with type 1 diabetes. Special thanks to NuNaturals, Lilly, Cabot Cheese, SONY Music and Go2Bras for gifts and giveaways.


Watch News Yorkers try to identify the healthiest treat from three Serve, Taste or Trash! Food Game choices bought at a convenience store. You might be surprised by the results.

Let’s Talk About Sex!  Here’s a sneak peak of  Divabetic’s upcoming ‘Love On A Two Way Street’ free outreach program focused on ‘Sexual Health & Diabetes’ and presented at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital on Sat., Feb, 9, 2013

TUNE IN: Free to Diabetes Roundtable podcast Inspired by Rihanna with guests: Neva White DNP, CRNP, CDE, Connie Frazier RD, CDE, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, author Elsie Spruill, poet Lorraine Brooks, hairstylist and makeup artist Charlene Wilson, Mama Rose Marie and Allison from Jersey City, NJ living with diabetes

 ‘Movie Girl Workouts’ with Mr. Divabetic and fitness expert, Katherine Adamenko

Experience Mr. Divabetic’s wellness with a wow programming in Tucson, AZ, Santa Clara, CA, Philadelphia, PA, Savannah, GA and Bethesda, MD in 2013. Get more details at

Can You Run A Marathon If You Have Diabetes?

January 6, 2013

D!.001-001Yes! It’s possible to run, be active and even do marathons when you have diabetes. Believe it or not, it may even help you.

Running with Type 2 diabetes is a great way to manage diabetes as exercise makes the body more sensitive to the action of insulin.

“Increasing physical activity like running is great for patients with Type 2 diabetes as it could help decrease the need for insulin treatment in future,” said endocrinologist Dr. Paul Gulley.

Insulin products have improved in leaps and bounds and Gulley suggests that competitive runners living with type 1 diabetes use insulin pumps with a continuous blood sugar monitor.

Jerry, a  marathon runner from Arizona, was diagnosed with diabetes when he was 15 years old. He has always enjoyed running from a young age and has run a staggering 49 marathons and five ultra marathons. His favorite run is the Big Surf along the Pacific Coast Highway in California.

In the early days Jerry was too afraid of doing a marathon for fear of hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar. Now he always checks his sugar before, during and after a run to make sure his levels are safe. Jerry says it is vital to take a meter with you.

“I don’t have any kind of diabetic diet except to try and avoid foods that make it more difficult to manage my blood sugar,” Jerry said. “Other than that, I am continually attempting to match my insulin dosage with what I eat and how much I exercise.”

When you have diabetes it is important to work closely with your diabetes team to adjust insulin dosage. Dr. Paul Gulley says that if you’re a causal runner who runs for 30 to 60 minutes, you should be fine. However if you are running for longer periods, it’s best not to run alone. You should have a running partner or tell someone where you are running if you alone.

Runners with diabetes should always carry glucose tablets, diabetic identification and a meter. You need to “match calories in and burned with insulin.” He also cautions his patients to be aware of the risk of dehydration in the summer months. Ensuring good diabetes management is important because if your blood sugars are too high to begin with, you’re at a much greater risk of dehydration.

“Diabetes is my constant challenge in everything I do,” Jerry said. “It’s not an excuse for not doing anything, but it’s something I have to reckon with, something I have to plan to deal with.”

Diabetes & Exercise? What real women living with diabetes have to say about blood sugars, marathons and motivation with Mr. Divabetic 

TUNE INFree Diabetes Podcast Inspired by Anne Hathaway with guests: Neva White DNP, CRNP, CDE, Cheryl Marco CDE, Patricia Addie-Gentle RN, CDE, author Dr. Beverly S. Adler,  Mama Rose Marie and Lorraine from Long Island, NY living with diabetes

The happy healthcare host, Mr. Divabetic rolls out the red tomato carpet at the 68th Annual Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York.

Experience Mr. Divabetic’s wellness with a wow programming in Tucson, AZ, Santa Clara, CA, Philadelphia, PA, Savannah, GA and Bethesda, MD in 2013. Get more details at